Rabu, 05 Desember 2012


International Bulletin of Business Administration
ISSN: 1451-243X Issue 9 (2010)
© EuroJournals, Inc. 2010
Music Congruency and Consumer Behaviour: An Experimental
Field Study
Nicolas Guéguen
Business Department, University of Bretagne-Sud, IUT De Vannes
8 Rue Montaigne 5600 Vannes-France
Tel: +33297012663; Fax: +33297676537
E-mail: nicolas.gueguen@univ-ubs.fr

Numerous experimental studies have showed that background music affects
consumer behaviour in a retail environment. Some of these have tested the degree of
congruence between the music played in the store and the type of goods sold. An
experiment was carried out in a flower shop where love songs and romantic music
(congruence condition), pop music (music usually played in the flower-shop) and no music
(control condition) were played. The results show that the mean amount of money spent
was significantly higher in the love songs and romantic music condition compared with the
two others, whereas the pop music condition did not lead to an increase in the amount of
money spent compared to the control, no music, condition.
Keywords:  Atmospherics, Background music, consumer behaviour, music congruency,
1.  Introduction
Background music is known to affect human behaviour and particularly consumer behaviour.
Numerous experimental studies conducted in natural  settings have shown that the structural
components of various types of background music such as sound level and tempo affect consumer
behaviour. The first experiment that tested the effect of one such structural component on consumer
behaviour was conducted by Smith and Curnow (1966), who played loud and soft music in two
supermarkets. They found that customers spent significantly less time in the stores during the loud
session than during the soft session, but there was no significant difference between the sales made in
the two sessions. Those authors explained their results by “arousal”, arguing that the high sound level
created a high level of arousal in the customers which led them to enhance their behavioural response
toward the stimulus, such that they moved faster round the store but did not spend any more money.
Fast music was assumed to have the same property to enhance arousal that, in return, enhances the 57
behavioural response of the perceiver. McElrea and Standing (1992) found that when fast music was
played drinkers spent less time drinking. Similarly, Roballey, McGreevy, Rongo, Schwantes, Steger,
Winiger and Gardner (1985) found that when patrons in a cafeteria were exposed to fast music, they
were observed to take significantly more bites per minute than those exposed to slow tempo or no
music conditions. Again, these results were explained by high arousal levels induced by fast music. A
recent experiment conducted by Guéguen, Le Guellec and Jacob (2004) was carried out in two bars to
test the effect of loud music on drinking. According to a random assignment, patrons were exposed to a
sound level that was higher than the sound level usually used in the bars where the experiment took
place. Patrons consumed more drinks when exposed to louder music. The arousal hypothesis was used
by the authors to explain the findings: the high sound level led to higher arousal, which led patrons to
drink faster and to order more drinks.
Fast tempo is not always associated with an increase in consumption. Milliman (1982) tested
the effect of the tempo of background music in a supermarket and found that playing slow music (60-
73 beats per minute) decreased the in-store traffic flow in comparison with that observed when faster
background music (93-110 beats per minute) was played, but increased sales. Milliman (1986) found,
in another evaluation of the effect of tempo on the behaviour of restaurant patrons, that slower music
was associated with an increase in the average length of stay and amount of money spent.. These
results were supported more recently by Caldwell and Hibbert (1999) who found that customers spent
more money on both food and drink at a restaurant when slow music was played. Other research has
shown that the tempo of music can affect the perception of time. Guéguen and Jacob (2001) conducted
an experiment in which participants were kept waiting on the telephone. They heard an on-hold
message accompanied either by slow, medium-tempo or fast music. A control group heard the on-hold
message without music. The participants in the music conditions perceived the waiting time as shorter
than those who heard no music. Furthermore, the faster the music, the shorter was the waiting time
estimated by participants.
Structural components of music are not the only factors that affect customer behaviour. Several
studies have shown that the style of background music played has an effect. Areni and Kim (1993)
compared the effect of classical versus Top Forty background music in a wine store, and found that
sales increased, and customers selected more expensive wines, when classical music was played. This
behavioural effect is consistent with the suggestion of Yalch and Spangenberg (1993) that classical
music evokes a perception of higher priced merchandise and supports the notion that music must be
appropriate for the context in which it is employed in order to enhance persuasion. Of course, classical
music is not always appropriate (if “appropriate” is used to mean “encouraging people to drink”). In a
more recent experiment, Wilson (2003) found that in a popular restaurant significantly fewer patrons
consumed three or more alcoholic beverages when classical music was playing than when jazz, easy
listening music or popular music was played.
The notion that music and context are associated was supported by an empirical evaluation
conducted by North, Hargreaves and McKendrick (1999). These authors used the term of congruency
to test the effect of background music on customer’s behaviour. A background music is considered as
congruent with a product if a rationale or a symbolic information is connected with the product to sell.
For example sailor’s songs would be appropriated to sell sea products or classical music would be
appropriated to sell prestigious wines. In North and al’s (1999) study the authors used the geographical
and cultural characteristics of the background music with products that had a clearly geographical and
cultural provenance. They found that customers' selection of French and German wines was strongly
affected by stereotypic French and German background music played in the wine section of a
supermarket. Significantly more French wines were sold than German wines when French music was
played, whereas significantly more German wines were sold than French wines when German music
was played. These results are consistent with the notion that music can prime related knowledge and
the selection of certain products if they fit with that knowledge and indeed North et al.’s participants
reported that the German music made them think of Germany rather than France and vice versa. In 58
summary, North et al. argue that the customers were in a situation where they wanted to buy some
wine but had not already made a specific choice of product. So the music played could have oriented
this choice by priming knowledge about a country that produced wine.
A similar argument could be made for the patrons of flower shops. When people go into flower
shops, they are often uncertain as to their specific choice; they just want to buy a bunch of flowers. The
purpose of the present experiment was to explore the concept of congruence between the music played
in a commercial environment and the type of goods sold. There were three conditions: romantic songs,
pop music and – extending North et al.’s method – a no music condition. We hypothesized that
because flowers are usually associated with love and affection that love songs and romantic music
would prime or increase the level of these feelings and therefore that customers would spend more
money on flowers when love songs and romantic music were playing than when pop music or no
music was playing.
2.  Method
The participants were 120 customers (48 males and 72 females) of a flower shop on the outskirts of a
medium-size city in the west of France. They did not know that they were being observed. The
experiment was conducted during the course of eight sunny days in June 2006.
The experiment employed a between-participants method. One group of customers was exposed to
love songs and romantic music, another group to pop music and a third group to no music at all. The
two dependent variables were the amount of time and the amount of money the customer spent in the
flower shop.
In the flower shop where the experiment was conducted, the florist usually played CDs of pop music.
These were mostly at fast tempos (90-100 beats per  minute) and did not qualify as love songs or
romantic music.
In order to determine the music that could be considered congruent with flowers, an interview
survey was conducted in a street of the same town near the flower shop. It was assumed that
respondents would have similar socio-demographic characteristics to those of the participants in our
experiment; furthermore the interviewer was asked to approach only people who looked as though they
were between the ages of 25 and 60, like most customers of the flower shop. One hundred and twentyone passers-by (58 men and 63 women) answered a single question: “For you, what is the most
appropriate music that could be played in a flower shop to create harmony between the music and the
goods”. The frequencies of the various responses given were used to select the most appropriate music
and are reported in Table 1.
Table 1:  Type of music considered to be the most appropriate music in a flower shop reported by the
Type of                 music                                                      Frequency
Love songs                                                                  46
Romantic music                                                        38
Pop music                                                                   14
Classical music                                                            8
Jazz                                                                                 4
Samba/Bossa/Latina                                                4                                            
Celtic music                                                                 2
Heavy metal                                                        
Folk song                                                                1 for all
Eighty-four of the 121 respondents nominated love songs and romantic music as the most
appropriate music for a flower shop and we therefore selected these styles of music for the congruent
music condition. After responding, to the first question, the respondents were solicited to give one or
two examples of music or songs they know that are “representative of the style of music that they
previously judged as appropriated in a flower shop”. In most of the case, the respondents gave more
than two examples of music (M = 4.28 and SD = 2.37 with seven respondents giving more than 8
examples). Amazingly, most of the examples for Romantic music and songs and Pop songs were
French songs whereas no instruction to select such songs and music was addressed. Most of them were
‘hits’ mainly performed by French singers/instrumentalists over the last 20 years, many of which are
still popular today. The interviewer noted these examples and these songs where selected according to
their citation frequency (see Appendix 2 for the list of CD tracks used in the experiment).
The owner of the flower shop gave permission for the experiment to be carried out over the course of a
two-week period on eight weekday afternoons from 1.30 to 3.30 p.m. The background music that
played in each experimental session was determined before the first participant entered the shop. Each
two-hour session was divided into six 20-minute periods. In each period only one style of music (or no
music in the control condition) was played; in each period the style of music (or no music) was
different and the order in which each style of music (or no music) was played was random. A decibel
meter placed in the middle of the flower shop was used to ensure that all the music was played at the
same volume (66 dB). The 20-minute length of period was chosen because the owner of the shop had
observed that the mean length of time customers spent in the shop between 1.30 and 3.30 p.m. was
around five minutes. It was therefore unlikely that any one customer would be exposed to more than
one style of music.
An observer stood near the flower shop and selected the first customer who entered the shop
after the start of each 20-minute period as a participant. He or she started a chronometer (an Oregon
Scientific chronometer, model C510) and waited until the customer had left the flower shop before
stopping the chronometer, entering the flower shop and asking the salesperson to state the amount of
money spent by the customer. Then the observer completed a form (see appendix 1) reporting the time
and amount of money spent in the shop by the customer before returning to his/her post near the flower
shop. The next customer to enter the shop would be the next participant selected, so even if there were
two customers in the shop at the same time, only one was observed. In two cases customers did not
leave the shop within the same 20-minute period and would therefore have been exposed to two styles
of music. These cases were dropped from the analysis of data.
3.  Results
The dependent variables used in this experiment were the amount of money spent by the customer in
the three experimental conditions and the time her or she spent in the flower shop. The results obtained
in the different conditions are presented in Figure 1 (amount of money spent) and Figure 2 (time spent)
below. 60
Figure 1:  Means of amount of money spent according to the experimental conditions and gender of the
Males Females
A 3 (background music: romantic/pop/no music) × 2 (sex of the customer: male/female).
ANOVA was used to analyze the data for each of the two dependent variables. There was a main effect 61
of background music on the amount of money spent by customers, was observed (F(2, 119) = 11.47), p
<.001, partial-eta²=.168
). More money was spent in the romantic music condition (M = 32.55€) than
in the pop music (M = 27.21 €) and no music control conditions (M = 25.31 €). Pair comparisons
showed that there were significant differences between romantic music, pop music (t(79) = 2.93, p
<.005, d
 = 0.66) and no music control conditions (t(75) = 4.00, p <.001, d = 0.92), but no significant
difference between the pop music and no music control conditions (t(80) = 1.42, p =.14, d = 0.32). A
main effect of sex was found (F(1, 119) = 12.96), p <.001, partial-eta²=.102): male customers spent
more (M = 31.08 €) than female customers (M = 26.42 €). There was no interaction between the two
factors of the analysis (F(2, 119) = 0.49), ns, partial-eta²=.008).
A main effect of background music was observed for time spent in the flower shop (F(2, 119) =
41.52), p <.001, partial-eta²=.421). Customers spent more time in the flower shop when romantic
music was played (M = 291.6 seconds) than when pop music (M = 153.7 seconds) and no music was
played (M = 232.0 seconds). Pair comparisons showed significant differences between the romantic
music and pop music conditions (t(79) = 7.92, p <.001, d = 1.60), romantic music and no music control
conditions (t(75) = 2.82, p <.01, d = 0.62) and the pop music and no music control condition(t(80) =
5.09, p <.001, d = 1.14). A main effect of sex was  found (F(1, 119) = 71.06, p <.001, partialeta²=.284): female customers spent more time in the flower shop (M = 261.8 seconds) than male
customers (M = 164.3). There was an interaction between the two factors of the analysis (F (2, 119) =
3.70), p<.03, partial-eta²=.061). Contrast analysis showed that this interaction effect was explained by
the difference between male and female customers in the pop music condition.
There was a significant but slight linear correlation between the two dependent variables
(r(118) =.20, p <.05). Correlations between time and money spent were not significant in the romantic
music condition (r(36) =.09, ns), the pop music condition (r(41) =.22, ns) or the no music condition
(r(37) =.10, ns). However there was a significant and high correlation between time and money spent
by female customers in the romantic music condition (r(21) =.497 p <.02), male customers (r (15) =.77,
p <.001) and female customers (r(24) =.67, p <.001) in the pop music condition and male customers in
the control no music condition (r(14) =.53, p <.04). No significant correlation between time and money
spent was found for male customers in the romantic  music condition (r(13) =.19, ns) or female
customers in the no music control condition (r(21) =.10, ns).
4.  Discussion
Our hypothesis is supported by the results. First, it was found that music exerted a positive effect on
the amount of money spent by the customers. Furthermore, it was also found that the effect of music
cannot be considered only in terms of presence versus absence of music in the shop where the present
experiment was carried out. In our experiment only  one type of music that was played influenced
customer behaviour. When romantic music was played, customers spent more money than when no
music was played or when pop music was played and, in this experiment, no difference was found in
the amount of money spent by customers when pop music was used as background music and when no
music was played. Previous studies have showed that the style of background music played influenced
customer behaviour. Areni and Kim (1993) found that, in comparison with Top Forty background
music, classical music played in a wine store increased the amount of sales and led the customers to
select more expensive merchandise. North, Hargreaves and McKendrick (1999) found that when
stereotypical French music was played in the wine section of a supermarket it increased the amount of
 The partial Eta-squared is the proportion of total variability attributable to a factor. The partial Eta² is.168 here, which
means that the background music (the factor examined in the ANOVA) by itself accounted for 16.8 % of the overall
variance (effect+error). 16.8 % is considered as important.
 d is a descriptive measure of the effect size of the difference between two means. d is obtained by divided the means
difference by standard deviation of either group. For Cohen (1988), d between.10 to.20,.30 to.50 and.60 and more is
respectively considered as a Small, a Medium or a Large effet size. 62
sales of French wines and decreased the amount of sales of German wines. When German music was
used as background music the reverse effect was found: the sales of German wines increased whereas
the sales of French wines decreased. Such experiments confirm that the style of music played has an
effect on the customer behaviour. However, while different styles of music were compared in both
these studies, neither used a control condition in  which no background music played. The positive
effect of classical music in Areni and Kim’s study, for example, could be explained by a negative
effect of Top Forty music leading to a decrease in the amount of money spent by customers; we do not
know how much they would have spent in a control no music condition. In our experiment, however,
the comparison between the three conditions shows clearly that romantic music had a positive effect on
the amount of money spent by customers. No difference was found between the amount of money
spent in the pop music and no music control conditions. So it cannot be that customers spent less
money in the flower shop when they heard pop music than when they heard romantic music because
pop music had a negative effect on them, since they also spent less money when no music was playing:
it must be that the romantic music influenced them.,. These results suggest that background music in
itself does not encourage customers to spend more money: there has to be congruence between the
music played and the products on offer. This confirms North et al.’s results. If the background music is
clearly associated with the context or the product  to be sold, customers are likely to respond more
favourably. Future studies could explore this concept of congruence further. In our experiment we tried
to use the most highly congruent music by asking people in the street to nominate the style of music
that they thought would be most appropriate in a flower shop, and using music in the category most
frequently cited. However some elements of the background music used could be even more effective
than others in reinforcing the power of romantic music and love songs more generally.
Customers spent more time in the flower shop when romantic music was playing than when
pop or no music was playing. In the pop music condition positive correlations were found between
time and money spent by men (r =.77) and women (r =.67). Perhaps customers spent less time and
therefore less money because of the effect of the fast tempo of the pop music. Previous research found
that tempi variation were associated with variation in customer behaviours (Caldwell & Hibbert, 1999;
Milliman, 1982; 1986) or time perception in a waiting situation (Guéguen & Jacob, 2001). Differences
in the amount of time spent in the flower shop in our experiment may therefore be attributable to
differences in tempo between the music played in the pop and romantic music conditions. Post hoc
evaluation by a professional drummer of the music played in the two experimental conditions confirms
that they were different. In the pop music condition 75% of the music used a tempo between 96 and
122 beats per minute, whereas 75% of the music and songs played in the romantic music condition
used a tempo between 78 and 92 beats per minute. On the other hand, the difference in tempo between
the two music conditions is unlikely to be the only explanation: although the correlation between the
amount of time and money spent in the flower shop is significant it is slight (r =.20), explaining only 4
% of the variance. ANOVA controlling for the effect of time spent in the flower shop reveals that the
effect of condition on amount of money spent still remains highly significant (F(2, 119) = 8.42), p
<.001, partial-eta²=.130; partial-eta² =.168 when time spent is not controlled for). Future experiments
will be designed to test the effect of tempo using similar styles of music in this type of commercial
Our study has some potential applications. It could be financially advantageous for the owners
of flower shops to use love songs and romantic music as background music in order to increase the
amount of money spent by the customers. Moreover, if the owner wants to decrease the time spent by
the customer in the shop, for example when it is packed, without decreasing the amount of money
spent, the manager could use pop music as background music.
This experiment had some limitations. Firstly, it was conducted in one flower shop and the
results cannot be generalized to all flower shops. Secondly, the effect of music is perhaps explained not
only by the type of music used but by some internal characteristics of the music such as tempo, song
lyrics, or instrumentation. It has been found in previous research that the same music could have 63
different effects when played at different tempi (Caldwell & Hibbert, 1999; Milliman, 1982; 1986). So
the differences in our two music conditions could be explained by the differences in tempo.
Our results confirm those of previous studies that have found that music influences customer
behaviour. However, the mechanisms that explain such effects still remain in question. It seems that
congruence between the music played in commercial contexts and the products on offer is an important
factor. Thus future research needs to examine the link between music and consumer behaviour, further
exploring customers’ cognitive and emotional, as well as behavioural responses.
[1] Areni, C., & Kim, D. 1993. “The influence of background music on shopping behavior:
classical versus Top Forty music in a wine-store”. Advances in Consumer Research, 20,  pp.
[2] Caldwell, C., & Hibbert, S. 1999. “Play that one again: the effect of music tempo on consumer
behaviour in a restaurant”. European Advances in Consumer Research, 4, pp. 58-62.
[3] Cohen, J. 1988. “Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.)”. Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.
[4] Guéguen, N., & Jacob, C. 2001. “L’effet des caractéristiques d’une musique d’attente
téléphonique sur la perception du délai d’attente des interlocuteurs”.  Revue Européenne de
Psychologie Appliquée, 51, pp. 77-84.
[5] Guéguen, N., Le Guellec, H., & Jacob, C. 2004. « Sound level of background music and
consumer behavior: An empirical evaluation”. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 99, pp. 34-38.

Music Congruency and Consumer Behaviour: An Experimental
Field Study
Nicolas Guéguen
Business Department, University of Bretagne-Sud, IUT De Vannes
8 Rue Montaigne 5600 Vannes-France
Tel: +33297012663; Fax: +33297676537
E-mail: nicolas.gueguen@univ-ubs.fr
Sejumlah penelitian eksperimental telah menunjukkan bahwa musik latar belakang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen dalam lingkungan ritel. Beberapa telah diuji tingkat kesesuaian antara musik yang dimainkan di toko dan jenis barang yang dijual. Sebuah Percobaan dilakukan di sebuah toko bunga di mana cinta lagu dan musik romantis (Kondisi kesesuaian), musik pop (musik biasanya dimainkan di toko bunga) dan tidak ada musik (Kondisi kontrol) yang dimainkan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa jumlah rata-rata uang yang dikeluarkan secara signifikan lebih tinggi dalam lagu-lagu cinta dan kondisi musik romantis dibandingkan dengan dua orang lain, sedangkan kondisi musik pop tidak menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah uang dibelanjakan dibandingkan dengan kontrol, tidak ada musik, kondisi.
Musik latar belakang diketahui mempengaruhi perilaku manusia dan perilaku khususnya konsumen. Sejumlah penelitian eksperimental yang dilakukan dalam pengaturan alam telah menunjukkan bahwa struktur komponen dari berbagai jenis musik latar belakang seperti tingkat suara dan tempo mempengaruhi konsumen perilaku. Percobaan pertama yang menguji efek dari satu komponen struktural seperti pada konsumen perilaku dilakukan oleh Smith dan Curnow (1966), yang memainkan musik keras dan lembut dalam dua supermarket. Mereka menemukan bahwa pelanggan menghabiskan waktu kurang signifikan di toko-toko selama keras sesi daripada selama sesi lembut, tapi tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara penjualan yang dilakukan di dua sesi. Mereka penulis menjelaskan hasil mereka dengan "gairah", dengan alasan bahwa tingkat suara yang tinggi menciptakan tingkat tinggi gairah pada pelanggan yang membawa mereka untuk meningkatkan respon perilaku mereka arah stimulus, sehingga mereka pindah lebih cepat putaran toko tetapi tidak menghabiskan uang lagi.
Para peserta adalah 120 pelanggan (48 laki-laki dan 72 perempuan) dari sebuah toko bunga di pinggiran menengah kota di barat Perancis. Mereka tidak tahu bahwa mereka sedang diamati. Itu Penelitian dilakukan selama delapan hari cerah di bulan Juni 2006.
Percobaan ini menggunakan metode antara-peserta. Satu kelompok pelanggan terkena mencintai lagu dan musik romantis, kelompok lain musik pop dan kelompok ketiga tidak ada musik sama sekali. Itu dua variabel dependen adalah jumlah waktu dan jumlah uang yang dihabiskan pelanggan di toko bunga.
Di toko bunga di mana percobaan dilakukan, florist biasanya memainkan CD musik pop. Ini adalah sebagian besar di tempo cepat (90-100 denyut per menit) dan tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai lagu-lagu cinta atau romantic music.
Diasumsikan bahwa responden akan sama sosio-demografi karakteristik untuk orang-orang dari peserta kami eksperimen, selanjutnya pewawancara diminta untuk mendekati-satunya orang yang tampak seolah-olah mereka adalah antara usia 25 dan 60, seperti kebanyakan pelanggan dari toko bunga. Seratus twentyone orang yang lewat (58 laki-laki dan 63 perempuan) menjawab satu pertanyaan: "Bagi Anda, apa yang paling sesuai musik yang bisa dimainkan di toko bunga untuk menciptakan keharmonisan antara musik dan barang ". Frekuensi dari berbagai tanggapan yang diberikan digunakan untuk memilih musik yang paling tepat dan dilaporkan dalam Tabel 1.
Tabel 1: Jenis musik dianggap sebagai musik yang paling tepat di toko bunga dilaporkan oleh
Para peserta adalah 120 pelanggan (48 laki-laki dan 72 perempuan) dari sebuah toko bunga di pinggiran
menengah kota di barat Perancis. Mereka tidak tahu bahwa mereka sedang diamati. Itu
Penelitian dilakukan selama delapan hari cerah di bulan Juni 2006.
Percobaan ini menggunakan metode antara-peserta. Satu kelompok pelanggan terkena
mencintai lagu dan musik romantis, kelompok lain musik pop dan kelompok ketiga tidak ada musik sama sekali. Itu
dua variabel dependen adalah jumlah waktu dan jumlah uang yang dihabiskan pelanggan di
toko bunga.
Di toko bunga di mana percobaan dilakukan, florist biasanya memainkan CD musik pop.
Ini adalah sebagian besar di tempo cepat (90-100 denyut per menit) dan tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai lagu-lagu cinta atau
romantic music.
Dalam rangka untuk menentukan musik yang bisa dianggap kongruen dengan bunga, wawancara
Survei dilakukan di jalan dari kota yang sama di dekat toko bunga. Diasumsikan bahwa
responden akan sama sosio-demografi karakteristik untuk orang-orang dari peserta kami
eksperimen, selanjutnya pewawancara diminta untuk mendekati-satunya orang yang tampak seolah-olah mereka
adalah antara usia 25 dan 60, seperti kebanyakan pelanggan dari toko bunga. Seratus twentyone orang yang lewat (58 laki-laki dan 63 perempuan) menjawab satu pertanyaan: "Bagi Anda, apa yang paling
sesuai musik yang bisa dimainkan di toko bunga untuk menciptakan keharmonisan antara musik dan
barang ". Frekuensi dari berbagai tanggapan yang diberikan digunakan untuk memilih musik yang paling tepat
dan dilaporkan dalam Tabel 1.
Para peserta adalah 120 pelanggan (48 laki-laki dan 72 perempuan) dari sebuah toko bunga di pinggiran
menengah kota di barat Perancis. Mereka tidak tahu bahwa mereka sedang diamati. Itu
Penelitian dilakukan selama delapan hari cerah di bulan Juni 2006.
Percobaan ini menggunakan metode antara-peserta. Satu kelompok pelanggan terkena
mencintai lagu dan musik romantis, kelompok lain musik pop dan kelompok ketiga tidak ada musik sama sekali. Itu
dua variabel dependen adalah jumlah waktu dan jumlah uang yang dihabiskan pelanggan di
toko bunga.
Di toko bunga di mana percobaan dilakukan, florist biasanya memainkan CD musik pop.
Ini adalah sebagian besar di tempo cepat (90-100 denyut per menit) dan tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai lagu-lagu cinta atau
romantic music.
Dalam rangka untuk menentukan musik yang bisa dianggap kongruen dengan bunga, wawancara
Survei dilakukan di jalan dari kota yang sama di dekat toko bunga. Diasumsikan bahwa
responden akan sama sosio-demografi karakteristik untuk orang-orang dari peserta kami
eksperimen, selanjutnya pewawancara diminta untuk mendekati-satunya orang yang tampak seolah-olah mereka
adalah antara usia 25 dan 60, seperti kebanyakan pelanggan dari toko bunga. Seratus twentyone orang yang lewat (58 laki-laki dan 63 perempuan) menjawab satu pertanyaan: "Bagi Anda, apa yang paling
sesuai musik yang bisa dimainkan di toko bunga untuk menciptakan keharmonisan antara musik dan
barang ". Frekuensi dari berbagai tanggapan yang diberikan digunakan untuk memilih musik yang paling tepat.
Delapan puluh empat dari 121 responden dinominasikan mencintai lagu dan musik romantis sebagai yang paling musik yang sesuai untuk toko bunga dan oleh karena itu kami memilih gaya ini musik untuk kongruen Kondisi musik. Setelah menanggapi, untuk pertanyaan pertama, responden diminta untuk memberikan satu atau dua contoh musik atau lagu mereka tahu yang "mewakili gaya musik yang mereka sebelumnya dianggap sebagai disesuaikan di toko bunga ". Dalam sebagian besar kasus, responden memberi lebih dari dua contoh musik (M = 4,28 dan SD = 2,37 dengan tujuh responden memberikan lebih dari 8 contoh). Hebatnya, sebagian besar contoh untuk musik romantis dan lagu dan lagu Pop adalah Lagu-lagu Perancis sedangkan tidak ada instruksi untuk memilih lagu dan musik seperti itu dialamatkan.
Variabel dependen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jumlah uang yang dihabiskan oleh pelanggan dalam tiga kondisi eksperimental dan waktu dia atau dia menghabiskan di toko bunga. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam kondisi yang berbeda disajikan pada Gambar 1 (jumlah uang yang dikeluarkan).
Laki-laki Perempuan       
Sebuah 3 (background music: romantic / pop / tidak ada musik) × 2 (jenis kelamin pelanggan: pria / wanita). ANOVA digunakan untuk menganalisis data untuk masing-masing dua variabel dependen. Ada efek utama 61 musik latar belakang tentang jumlah uang yang dihabiskan oleh pelanggan, diamati (F (2, 119) = 11,47), p <.001, Parsial-eta ² = .168
1). Lebih banyak uang yang dihabiskan dalam kondisi musik romantis (M = 32,55 €) dibandingkan dalam musik pop (M = 27,21 €) dan kondisi musik tidak ada kontrol (M = 25,31 €). Pair perbandingan menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara musik romantis, musik pop (t (79) = 2,93, p <.005, D
2 = 0,66) dan tidak ada kondisi kontrol musik (t (75) = 4.00, p <.001, d = 0,92), tetapi tidak signifikan perbedaan antara musik pop dan tidak ada kondisi kontrol musik (t (80) = 1.42, p = .14, d = 0,32). A efek utama dari seks ditemukan (F (1, 119) = 12,96), p <.001, parsial-eta ² = .102): pelanggan laki-laki menghabiskan lebih (M = 31.08 €) dari pelanggan perempuan (M = 26.42 €). Tidak ada interaksi antara dua faktor analisis (F (2, 119) = 0,49), ns, parsial-eta ² = .008). Efek utama dari latar belakang musik diamati untuk waktu yang dihabiskan di toko bunga (F (2, 119) = 41,52), p <.001, parsial-eta ² = 0,421). Pelanggan menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di toko bunga saat romantis musik dimainkan (M = 291,6 detik) daripada ketika musik pop (M = 153,7 detik) dan musik tidak ada dimainkan (M = 232,0 detik). Pair perbandingan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara romantis musik dan musik pop kondisi (t (79) = 7.92, p <.001, d = 1,60), musik romantis dan tidak ada kontrol musik kondisi (t (75) = 2.82, p <.01, d = 0,62) dan musik pop dan tidak ada kontrol kondisi musik (t (80) = 5,09, p <.001, d = 1.14). Efek utama dari seks ditemukan (F (1, 119) = 71.06, p <.001, partialeta ² = 0,284): pelanggan wanita menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di toko bunga (M = 261,8 detik) dibandingkan laki-laki pelanggan (M = 164,3). Ada interaksi antara dua faktor analisis (F (2, 119) = 3,70), p <.03, parsial-eta ² = 0,061). Analisis Kontras menunjukkan bahwa efek interaksi dijelaskan oleh perbedaan antara pelanggan pria dan wanita dalam kondisi musik pop. Ada korelasi linear yang signifikan namun sedikit antara dua variabel dependen (R (118) = .20, p <.05). Korelasi antara waktu dan uang yang dihabiskan tidak signifikan dalam romantis Kondisi musik (r (36) = .09, ns), kondisi musik pop (r (41) = .22, ns) atau kondisi tidak ada musik (R (37) = .10, ns). Namun ada korelasi yang signifikan dan tinggi antara waktu dan uang yang dihabiskan oleh pelanggan perempuan dalam kondisi musik romantis (r (21) = 0,497 p <.02), pelanggan laki-laki (r (15) = .77, p <.001) dan pelanggan wanita (r (24) = .67, p <.001) dalam kondisi musik pop dan pelanggan laki-laki di kontrol tidak ada musik kondisi (r (14) = .53, p <.04). Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara waktu dan uang menghabiskan ditemukan untuk pelanggan laki-laki dalam kondisi musik romantis (r (13) = .19, ns) atau perempuan pelanggan dalam kondisi kontrol tidak ada musik (r (21) = .10, ns).
1.ketika musik pop dimainkan dan, dalam percobaan ini, tidak ada perbedaan yang ditemukan di jumlah uang yang dikeluarkan oleh pelanggan ketika musik pop digunakan sebagai musik latar belakang dan bila tidak ada musik dimainkan.
2. beberapa unsur musik latar belakang yang digunakan bisa lebih efektif daripada yang lain dalam memperkuat kekuatan musik romantis dan lagu-lagu cinta yang lebih umum. Pelanggan menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di toko bunga ketika sedang bermain musik romantis daripada ketika pop atau musik tidak sedang bermain. Dalam kondisi musik pop korelasi positif ditemukan antara waktu dan uang yang dihabiskan oleh laki-laki (r = .77) dan perempuan (r = .67).
3. Studi kami memiliki beberapa aplikasi potensial. Ini bisa menguntungkan secara finansial bagi pemilik toko-toko bunga untuk menggunakan lagu-lagu cinta dan musik romantis sebagai latar belakang musik dalam rangka meningkatkan Jumlah uang yang dibelanjakan oleh pelanggan. Apalagi, jika pemilik ingin mengurangi waktu yang dihabiskan oleh pelanggan di toko, misalnya ketika itu dikemas, tanpa mengurangi jumlah uang dihabiskan, manajer bisa menggunakan musik pop sebagai musik latar belakang.

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